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  • Comments on Profile Post by Stephen Curry

    1. Syndicade

      I haven't even gotten my permit oml ;-;
      Oct 18, 2015
    2. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      HEHE. I can't drive alone yet, but when I can, I'll celebrate with CHIPOTLE or SONIC :D
      Oct 18, 2015
    3. Syndicade
      Ughhhh I want to drive so badly ;/

      I'm waiting until spring to take drivers ed and such
      Oct 18, 2015
    4. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Mwuahahaha! You know Chipotle? Go there and get a deluxe burrito, it'll make you feel better. xD
      Oct 18, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      In Australia you can't drive until your 16 :/
      Oct 28, 2015
    6. Syndicade
      ^ same
      Oct 28, 2015
    7. sircorgi
      My brother is a learner driver and whenever he drives with my dad it's alright and it's ok for me, but when he drives with my mum..
      Oct 28, 2015