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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZaMpAgE

    1. Troy
      yup on ps4
      Jun 2, 2014
    2. ZaMpAgE
      You have ps4!! Lucky! I got Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U :p
      Jun 2, 2014
    3. 196
      How is that game? It is a pretty original idea, I was just wondering.
      Jun 5, 2014
    4. Troy
      game is poorly optimized, not what you expect from trailers
      the game is unique. many ways you can play it, multiplayer is pretty fun too
      Jun 5, 2014
    5. 196
      Yeah, I was watching Docm77's play through a bit, and it didn't seem to... Live up to trailers or the introduction (which was pretty cool) it seems. Still probably worth checking it out, however.
      Jun 5, 2014