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  • Comments on Profile Post by [UNS]Ziro

    1. Robisgreat10
      Oct 16, 2015
    2. TADS
      Lmao. This is pathetic.
      Oct 16, 2015
    3. Robisgreat10
      ikr. xD
      Oct 16, 2015
    4. [UNS]Ziro
      1st I already did and she doesn't seem to believe what I say and TADS5 did anyone ask you anything?
      Oct 16, 2015
    5. Robisgreat10
      send a proof on your ban appeal -,- don't use hack...
      Oct 16, 2015
    6. [UNS]Ziro
    7. [UNS]Ziro
      This ''proof'' they use against me
      Oct 16, 2015
    8. Robisgreat10
      Wow. who was pet hiding?
      Oct 16, 2015
    9. [UNS]Ziro
      Oct 16, 2015
    10. TADS
      'TADS5' are you blind? My username is TADS4.

      For the record, that's no slow.
      Oct 16, 2015
    11. PayUp
      Obv. hack lol
      Oct 16, 2015
    12. [UNS]Ziro
      Wowww I writed something wrong and now u gotta make it a big deal?
      Oct 16, 2015
    13. TADS
      Yea, it's not that hard.

      Anyways, it's no slow.
      Oct 16, 2015
    14. [UNS]Ziro
      If you think I hack in this video u have bad eye probs or you just can't play with bow
      Oct 16, 2015
    15. [UNS]Ziro
      Yeah I am
      Oct 16, 2015
    16. TADS
      Can't play with a bow? Lol. You draw back and you let go. Simple.

      It doesn't take a genius to know that's hacks.
      Oct 16, 2015
    17. [UNS]Ziro
      L2p with bow just saying
      Oct 16, 2015
    18. TADS
      If you want to be unbanned, don't whine like a little, incompetent child, and admit to hacking.
      Oct 16, 2015
    19. Robisgreat10
      PandaPvPxxNL is pet hiding. ban him as well.
      Oct 16, 2015
    20. [UNS]Ziro
      How I can admit If I didnt hack? Tell me pls
      Oct 16, 2015
    21. TADS
      You are a special child. You're lucky I'm limited to what I can say. I'll leave it at that.
      Oct 16, 2015
    22. [UNS]Ziro
      Lets say I'm teen
      Oct 16, 2015
    23. TADS
      No, you're just a special child.
      Oct 16, 2015
    24. [UNS]Ziro
      Oct 16, 2015
    25. TADS
      Special child.
      Oct 16, 2015
    26. [UNS]Ziro
      Special yes, child no
      Oct 16, 2015