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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. :)
      the completed' rank or the last parkour course?
      Oct 15, 2015
    2. Linux
      Completed. It has no access to levels. I got crew on Parkour to show him.
      Oct 15, 2015
    3. Linux
      Okay, it has level access now.
      Just not warps.
      Oct 15, 2015
    4. TheNitroMatrix
      Hello doge such wow on much parkour warp fail
      Yes, cyp, fix this plz.
      Oct 20, 2015
    5. :)
      it is already fixed ????
      Oct 20, 2015
    6. TheNitroMatrix
      Oh but he said the warps were still not accessable, and we have no knowledge of this.
      Oct 20, 2015
    7. TheNitroMatrix
      But that's only for completed rank. Just so y'know.
      Oct 20, 2015
    8. :)
      just walk up the stairs LOL
      Oct 20, 2015
    9. Linux
      I ain't walking up hundreds of stairs to die.
      Oct 20, 2015