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  • Comments on Profile Post by SourPatchDoge

    1. SourPatchDoge
      Oops it _DashieTheBoss_
      Also if it is an alt theres a command called /alt to figure out there main account and other possible alt
      Oct 13, 2015
    2. SourPatchDoge
      Please help I want fun game play.... They are using safe walk and anti KB in bed wars (My favorite game).
      Oct 13, 2015
    3. canucksfan44
    4. TheNitroMatrix
      Archer_Hacker omfg not that son of a gun i hate that crack-head i hope he breaks his mom's back.
      No joke, that guy is a N-O-O-O-O-O-B. And hes also a donator yet he says he likes the server and he hacks.
      What a hypocrite.
      Oct 20, 2015