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  • Comments on Profile Post by FakeASmile

    1. Krissy
      lol go ahead and complain but just because you do doesnt mean any will be leavin.
      Oct 13, 2015
    2. FakeASmile
      Okay? I don't care, honestly this comment just shows me more how immature moderators can be.
      Oct 13, 2015
    3. Krissy
      Perfect, now we are getting somewhere. So what makes you think my comment was immature? How can we fix the problems with the staff team. More importantly what makes you think mods will be demoted because you complain? Do you perhaps have evidence or a report? Your feedback is very helpful to the growth of this team.
      Oct 13, 2015
    4. FakeASmile
      What makes me think you are being immature is that you never had a need to post a comment, let alone one obviously trying to put me down, if you want I can post a thread about what I think the staff team can work on improving.
      Oct 13, 2015
    5. Krissy
      Then do that instead of making statuses trying to put down the staff team. Profile page ay? Well Im going to leave you to your goal of picking us apart. Later
      Oct 13, 2015
    6. l0wkey
      No offense Vamp but Krissy is right you should address this by creating a thread.
      Oct 13, 2015
    7. FakeASmile
      Deleting my thread which had no reason to be deleted was just petty.
      Oct 13, 2015
    8. Syndicade
      Why bash the staff team when they're tied down with problems as it is? Some people just don't understand how hard it is to manage a 1000 player strong server, with a staff team suited for a 200 player server. Just doesn't make much sense to me.
      Oct 13, 2015
    9. FakeASmile
      I made a thread that was actually 100% respectful, no swear words, no names mentioned in any negative way, and it got deleted for no reason.
      Oct 13, 2015
    10. elrak
      WolfBane it really isn't that hard, lol.
      Oct 15, 2015