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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jesse234106

    1. Nightfire
      Not sure. Do you always crash ?
      Oct 11, 2015
    2. Jesse234106
      no, it happened yesterday. I was just minding my own business building my house and then a random player tped to me and i soon i got a white screen and crashed. And now whenever i go to creative, i crash again.
      Oct 11, 2015
    3. Loominati
      Like the thread in the 'Help Section' But I would help you :) Go to shop, click on 'Extras', then click on '[Opfactions/Factions/Opprison/Creative] Teleport back to Spawn' click buy, don't worry, it's free :D
      Oct 12, 2015
    4. Loominati
      If I'm not wrong, it's Teasley83 right? He is a new song player and a big hacker that crashes anyone who tp to him
      Oct 12, 2015