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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. Linux
      Updated it.
      Oct 8, 2015
    2. Linux
      Diamond armor in sw lobby
      Oct 8, 2015
    3. Linux
      He replied. Its considered glitch abuse since I had a d sword.
      Oct 8, 2015
    4. Diamonds180
      @michael the only way to get Diamond stuff in the Skywars lobby is to do /shop. And /shop is illegal at spawn, that why he was banned.
      Oct 10, 2015
    5. Diamonds180
      Yes, it is.
      Ever since from a few months ago when people were using /shop to buy the Black Hole, which could destroy spawn.
      I think you should have a read of the rules or ask a moderator.
      Oct 10, 2015