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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mark ;D

    1. PiLe
      If your appeal is not allowed, yes. I also am allowed to respond to anything I choose within means and rights. I've denied your appeal because you are not allowed to appeal for a ban 24 hours or shorter.
      Oct 6, 2015
    2. PiLe
      If Nana had an issue with that he would have stated it.
      If you don't like being banned, I would suggest not disrespecting staff next time.
      Oct 6, 2015
    3. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      its been longer than 24 hours though and u cant accept or deny it cause im bot APPEALING TO YOU
      Oct 6, 2015
    4. PiLe
      You stated in your appeal that it was a 24 ban. No one has changed that to my knowledge.
      In regards to what is within my job duties, you don't get to make that call.
      Oct 6, 2015
    5. Bananurz
      If the ban was appealed for under a 24 hour ban, she has the right to deny it. Any staff member reserves this ability as the action is against the guides. The mod who banned you can close it or an outside source can. All is fair and justified.
      Oct 6, 2015
    6. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      but it was more then 24 hours so im like tf?
      Oct 6, 2015