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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rakion

    1. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      It isnt you it is them for him rating mine dumb for no reason and i support your mod app
      May 31, 2014
    2. Rakion
      Oh okay. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks.
      May 31, 2014
    3. Rakion
      Oh and by the way. You haven't supported on my application yet :P
      May 31, 2014
    4. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      OH ok screen shot this and post im lazy
      May 31, 2014
    5. Rakion
      It takes a minute to write a word and click a button. Just saying. A life of laziness is no life at all.
      May 31, 2014
    6. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Kinda is it is a life of laziness
      May 31, 2014
    7. Rakion
      You can do it. Fight it. Be freeee.-
      May 31, 2014
    8. Rakion
      You did it! You should be very proud of yourself. Bo-lieve in yourself, alwaysss.
      May 31, 2014
    9. Cristopher Fennessee
      May 31, 2014
    10. FishTheGod
      He always does that
      Jun 11, 2014