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  • Comments on Profile Post by StrKillr

    1. LIONEYE
      Why hello there! :D
      Oct 4, 2015
    2. StrKillr
      what are you working on?
      Oct 5, 2015
    3. LIONEYE
      In game I'm working on my new private town I own with a couple of friends, and on forums I'm trying to stop a flamewar with Avvvvi and Ponyknight.
      Oct 5, 2015
    4. LIONEYE
      Also working on my server
      Oct 5, 2015
    5. StrKillr
      Nice, have you been on Ranchville. It was a pretty successfull town until they op'd the server shop.
      And that about aviators and pony, I recomend you to stay away of it, dealing with that guy is just meaningless. xD
      Oct 5, 2015
    6. LIONEYE
      Lol, yeah Avi tagged me, guess he wanted me to say something, and no I haven't been to Ranchville.
      Oct 5, 2015
    7. StrKillr
      That's acceptable, just don't take it personal. :P
      Ranchville is a town I co-owned with galvanastas. /warp ranchville
      Oct 5, 2015
    8. LIONEYE
      Mkay thanks, when I get the time (probably tonight)
      Oct 5, 2015
    9. LIONEYE
      Really nice! Reminds me of a town called Orlanburg on another server
      Oct 5, 2015