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  • Comments on Profile Post by yehs

    1. Flazer
      Account sharing isn't allowed.
      Oct 4, 2015
    2. yehs
      It isn't? What if it's some's family member who is on by what the owner said. He even gave me a list of wha i am not allowed to do.
      Oct 4, 2015
    3. Flazer
      Acording to the old rules it wasn't, not sure if it still applies. @bananaman11223
      Oct 4, 2015
    4. yehs
      In the new rules it doesn't say we cannot but if we are not allowed i will not go on forums. Only ignore and maybe my brother could use the forums via his phone.
      Oct 4, 2015
    5. Bananurz
      The rules state account sharing is against the rules.
      Oct 5, 2015
    6. yehs
      Okay i wasn't the person who let her but now she's gone she won't be back. Permanently.
      Oct 8, 2015