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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Wolf64
      OMG! :D congrats!
      Oct 3, 2015
    2. sircorgi
      Oct 3, 2015
    3. Wolf64
      I think I might be getting elder member or something myself too xD that's not as good as active member though! OMG how did you do it?! XD
      Oct 4, 2015
    4. sircorgi
      Being 'Seriously Likeable' xD Well that was a title of an achievement that gives you trophy points. Trophy points are these points that can be achieved by doing these stuff like receiving an amount of positives or being a member for a amount of time. I got my latest achievement by recieving 100 likes.. The title was Seriously Likeable
      Oct 4, 2015
    5. Wolf64
      oooOOOh ok. I know what trophy points are, but I didn't know that THAT one gave you active member... I don't think I'll ever reach 100 likes myself though :( You deserve active member more than me though :) seriously.
      Oct 4, 2015
    6. sircorgi
      Nuu don't say that.. D: Just post more often on different threads like me. Wait, you joined Oct 18, 2014. Thats coming up which means you would get Trophy points for being on forums for 1 year, the title is General so go and check it out. That achievement will be enough to make you ACTIVE MEMBER!! ^D^
      Oct 4, 2015
    7. Wolf64
      Thanks... But general gives me active member? :D
      Oct 4, 2015
    8. sircorgi
      Well not that particular achievement but it will give you trophy points that will be enough to make you Active member.
      Oct 4, 2015
    9. Wolf64
      Oh ok! Thanks for the info LOL.
      Oct 4, 2015
    10. sircorgi
      Oct 4, 2015
    11. Wolf64
      You still have more ratings and messages then me though xD that should be what earned you active member.
      Oct 4, 2015
    12. Wolf64
      You gotta agree with that .^.
      Oct 4, 2015
    13. sircorgi
      Yeah I agree. You post quite a lot of messages and you are well-known especially from the profile pic creations you made. Just try to do more posts and messages and that stuff. :D
      Oct 4, 2015
    14. Wolf64
      Thanks :) OMG though I'm trying so hard I barely have enough time to play Minecraft though! D: Thanks though :)
      Oct 4, 2015
    15. sircorgi
      Anyway when you have time can you start on the website? I'm going to start making the server soon. :)
      Oct 4, 2015
    16. Wolf64
      Oh ok! Do we need the enjin ewebsite or the normal website 1st do you think?
      Oct 4, 2015
    17. Wolf64
      ^^^ *website
      Oct 4, 2015
    18. sircorgi
      Hmm.. The 1st one can just be for us and the enjin one can be for everyone
      Oct 4, 2015
    19. Wolf64
      What do yah mean?
      Oct 4, 2015
    20. sircorgi
      The website you made with Weebly can be for only the Wolf Pack and the Enjin website you are going to make soon is going to be server-based and for everyone (The server is public, right?)
      Oct 4, 2015
    21. Wolf64
      Oh ok. And yeah the server should be public :)
      Oct 4, 2015
    22. sircorgi
      Ok :3
      Oct 4, 2015
    23. Wolf64
      Oct 4, 2015