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  • Comments on Profile Post by StrKillr

    1. Andrewswj
      He flew so he got banned. Same thing why I got banned before too.
      Oct 3, 2015
    2. StrKillr
    3. Andrewswj
      That's not enough evidence. I could have decided not to tell him afterwards so that is also why he changed the warp to his blaze far.
      Oct 3, 2015
    4. StrKillr
      want to see the video? :)
      Oct 3, 2015
    5. Ordi
      Wait, so @Andrewswj told him a command to fly, xFak10 got banned... what's next? @Andrewswj getting banned?
      Oct 3, 2015
    6. Ordi
      Also, could I see the video StrKillr?
      Oct 3, 2015
    7. StrKillr
      Well... andrews was banned for it but he appealed. Then, when he got unbanned he told xFak the command and reported him for using the command... How low is that? Also he kept using the command after appealing and saying that he will not continue to use it. Yet I don't think he will get banned for this because he is mod-in-training. lol
      Oct 3, 2015
    8. Andrewswj
      StrKillr, that video was old, before I was banned, so before I was banned that could have been a valid evidence to ban me. I was banned later and I appealed and when i got unbanned that video is no longer valid. The video that StrKillr used against me was the evidence for my being banned, and that is also not valid. About the picture by xFaK10, there are still other possibilities that could have occurred afterwards.
      Oct 3, 2015
    9. Andrewswj
      Also, Str. If you want to keep the warp or home at my sky base, do keep it private. I don't wish to come online and see a party at my base. Thanks.
      Oct 3, 2015
    10. StrKillr
      Sure. lol
      Oct 3, 2015
    11. Andrewswj
      You may keep the warp or home there of course.
      Oct 3, 2015