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  • Comments on Profile Post by exile337

    1. ZeldaNinja
      I'm pretty sure if you get voter of the month it upgrades you one 'up' from your existing rank...
      Oct 1, 2015
    2. exile337
      oh man so you have to already have rank?
      Oct 1, 2015
    3. Flazer
      If you are Defualt, Peemium, Sponsor, or VIP you will recieve MVP. If you are MVP or higher you are upgraded.
      Oct 1, 2015
    4. ZeldaNinja
      Oct 1, 2015
    5. exile337
      for october i have voted every day so far, the exact same amount as the people on the leaderboard so my question is what happens if more than 5 people have the same amount of votes.
      Oct 3, 2015
    6. exile337
      do more than 5 receive a rank
      Oct 3, 2015