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  • Comments on Profile Post by AmazingFireGirl

    1. BlueberryWaffle
      I am vegetable man. I force children to eat vegetables, so some call me a villain.

      May 30, 2014
    2. AmazingFireGirl
      oh i thought u were a different type of evil but persuade them don't hurt the poor children or else u will make me sad
      May 30, 2014
    3. BlueberryWaffle
      Broccoli launcher, GO!
      May 30, 2014
    4. AmazingFireGirl
      u made me sad your suppose to be a mod not a torturer
      May 30, 2014
    5. AmazingFireGirl
      i meant it as a joke but u still made me sad
      May 30, 2014