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  • Comments on Profile Post by WinterWaffles

    1. Aviators
      Purely amazing! XD
      Sep 28, 2015
    2. Ponyknight99
      How CAN you be upset at a waffle?
      Sep 28, 2015
    3. Aviators
      Of course you'd comment, because I did. And if not.
      Sep 28, 2015
    4. Ponyknight99
      My comment wasn't based on whether you did or not, so knock it off
      Sep 28, 2015
    5. Aviators
      Of course you'd re-comment.
      Sep 28, 2015
    6. Ponyknight99
      Aviators, stop. Go find something better to do with your time then harassing people on a Minecraft forum
      Sep 28, 2015
    7. WinterWaffles
      Guys, chill.
      Sep 28, 2015
    8. Ponyknight99
      I'd like to chill waffle. But with him harassing me, it's hard
      Sep 28, 2015
    9. Aviators
      I would chill, but this thirsty boy uses up all my water. He wouldn't have commented if I did, at least, not at this time. Get a life Pony, you look like a right poof too. Love you! <3
      Sep 28, 2015
    10. Ponyknight99
      Aviators. I think it is you, who needs a better use of life
      Sep 28, 2015
    11. Aviators
      No, I think it is you. Flirt with females in real life. That's IF they let you get within 100 meters of them before shouting "Help!".
      Sep 28, 2015
    12. Ponyknight99
      Aviators. Just leave. I'm done. Nothing you do is going to get you anywhere. Learn to realize that
      Sep 28, 2015
    13. Aviators
      Already do, but it's your reactions and replies that keep me going. They're funny. You acting all...
      Sep 28, 2015
    14. Ponyknight99
      If your source of entertainment is the annoyance of others, go watch Great Griefers on YT, but don't get yourself in trouble here for some kind of sick kicks.
      Sep 28, 2015
    15. Aviators
      No, I love to annoy thirsty boys like you.
      Da-ding! Another reply btw.
      Sep 28, 2015
    16. Ponyknight99
      You know what? No more fun for you. No more replies here. Just a straight up harassment report
      Sep 28, 2015
    17. Aviators
      I love reports.
      Da-ding! Another reply btw.
      Only wusses report and, of course, the one who has no male friends is a wuss.
      Sep 28, 2015
    18. Ponyknight99
      Reports are done by those who follow the rules. Not wusses. Now stop replying, bub. Find something better to do with your time.
      Sep 28, 2015
    19. Aviators
      "Bub" hahaha, what a stupid thing to state.
      Da-ding! Another reply btw.
      Sep 28, 2015