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  • Comments on Profile Post by Awesomely28

    1. EthanWest
      it is called defending yourself. and he is bullying people. you should not stand up for him you should just say please stop when you stand up for him and become friends you might become a bully too.
      Dec 27, 2013
    2. Awesomely28
      I remember Daniel before he was being bullied, he was nice until he got bullied and now he isn't like before. If people stop, he will too and he will be nice again
      Dec 28, 2013
    3. EthanWest
      awesomely you don't get it. when you do this and stand up for him he will make you a bully too, he will make you argue, fight, swear. if you want to be bully then just be one.
      Dec 28, 2013
    4. Awesomely28
      I've only been rude to people who are rude to others, I'm not saying that I'm friends with Daniel but like you said, your quitting because people are being mean, so I'm just trying to stop that
      Dec 28, 2013
    5. Awesomely28
      Jan 25, 2014