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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChiChay

    1. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      stfu chic hay thanks for stealing my Skype account and saying those nasty things to panda. hope your mom's meth business does well this month.
      Sep 25, 2015
    2. ChiChay
      stealing? you haven't even told me your password, I don't know what you were on that day but what ever it was you obviously didn't remember. btw that meth thing you're talking about is actually dishes. something you can't even afford.
      Sep 25, 2015
    3. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      stfu lmao u and fun makers changed my password, said nasty things on my account to panda to make me look bad? lmfao @Diamonds180
      Sep 25, 2015
    4. ChiChay
      how can I change your password when I don't even know your password and why would I make you look bad? you weren't going anywhere anyway..
      Sep 25, 2015
    5. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Sep 25, 2015
    6. Diamonds180
      IAFF got proof? Shoot me it.
      Sep 26, 2015
    7. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      the hoe prob got fun makers to log me outta his Skype account, ask panda for the proof
      Sep 26, 2015
    8. Diamonds180
      Sep 28, 2015
    9. PandaBear__
      i gotchu on skype right? if so msg me bb
      Sep 28, 2015
    10. Diamonds180
      You got it
      Sep 29, 2015