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  • Comments on Profile Post by Glitch

    1. Scorv
      I don't hate people. And there are few I dislike, but you are not one of them. To be honest I have mixed feelings about you.
      Sep 18, 2015
    2. Glitch
      I'm tempted to ask why, but whatever it is it's probably better than the old server I played.
      Sep 18, 2015
    3. Scorv
      Well I don't know much about you.
      I am not one to quickly judge people.
      You are fairly argumentative.
      But, you make good points.

      Reasons why.
      Sep 18, 2015
    4. Glitch
      I argue for what is worth arguing for. I defend those worth defending. But I see your point.
      Sep 18, 2015