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  • Comments on Profile Post by Grays0n

    1. PiLe
      I need to move my nightstand farther away from my bed. Stupid phone... IT CONTROLS MEEEE
      Sep 16, 2015
    2. Grays0n
      I'll give you something that will control you. ;)
      Sep 16, 2015
    3. PiLe
      I'm done.
      Sep 16, 2015
    4. Speculations
      @Butfa ofc..? where have you been lmao
      Sep 17, 2015
    5. PiLe
      I see no racism here. It's my opinion. It's my call. I should hope no one else sees racism an applies warnings for the word "nig". :/
      Sep 17, 2015
    6. Grays0n
      friend. dude. calm down. its minecraft. calm yourself and go rub one out or something. i dont blame you
      Sep 17, 2015
    7. Butfa
      i encourage you to use friend or dude in that context
      Sep 17, 2015
    8. PiLe
      I have a multi racial family. Believe me when I say I am intolerant of racism. I understand if you take offense to the word and have no problem deleting the post in respect to you.
      I will not however infraction a user for the use of "nig" or state that the word is not allowed.
      Sep 17, 2015
    9. PiLe
      Please let me know if you would like me to delete it.
      Sep 17, 2015
    10. Butfa
      if its allowed i have no problem with it, maybe Australia is out of touch, but is that the kind of thing you would say to a teacher ,police officer or in a forum of people from many backgrounds
      Sep 17, 2015
    11. PiLe
      I use the word in my family and with my close friends. It's definatly a word that could cause mixed feelings and I use it with great discretion.
      I would never call a player "nig" or even use the word myself here as I am staff and I would hate to offend, but this person is a close friend of a number of years now and I am fine with it.
      I am sorry for the miscommunication and our time zone difference in responding.
      Sep 17, 2015
    12. Butfa
      Thankyou for your time.
      Sep 17, 2015
    13. Grays0n
      money under mout' runnin
      Sep 17, 2015