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  • Comments on Profile Post by sebiathan

    1. KroniqL
      lol, you got to my base by a mod abusing her perms? Do you feel good lmao.
      May 28, 2014
    2. sebiathan
      Yes. A mod "abused" her perms by sending me a tp AFTER we had already killed you twice :) You mad bro?
      May 28, 2014
    3. KroniqL
      No, you was already at my base with pile only so nice try.
      May 28, 2014
    4. sebiathan
      No I was already at your base with SlayerJr and OhhGlaze I dont see why you keep going on about Pile she had nothing to do with this :)
      May 28, 2014
    5. PiLe
      Lol I never tp'd anyone to your base. Slayer did.
      You can have Cyp run logs.
      I would never do that. :/
      May 28, 2014
    6. Barnaby
      Me too
      Jun 7, 2014