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  • Comments on Profile Post by (Titan) KillerBlower

    1. (Titan) KillerBlower
      (Titan) KillerBlower
      O u only follow mods sorry for asking :/
      Sep 16, 2015
    2. (Titan) KillerBlower
      (Titan) KillerBlower
      According to make fake age that I asked marks about I am 1 year younger then u :P
      Sep 16, 2015
    3. (Titan) KillerBlower
      Sep 16, 2015
    4. Bananurz
      Yeah, staff only. I may open up soon. And you should eventually try to get that changed. ;p
      Sep 16, 2015
    5. (Titan) KillerBlower
      Sep 16, 2015
    6. (Titan) KillerBlower
      (Titan) KillerBlower
      I should not of done it in the first place well kids make mistakes excpically me!
      Sep 16, 2015
    7. Bananurz
      Haha, understood.
      Sep 16, 2015