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  • Comments on Profile Post by AlienatedBanana

    1. Aviators
      If it goes, and if you try, it'll come back, but stronger than ever. To survive insults, you got to be hurt enough. :-(
      Sep 15, 2015
    2. AlienatedBanana
      Sep 15, 2015
    3. Scorv
      "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger"
      Sep 15, 2015
    4. AlienatedBanana
      Aw thanks @Scorix but after a while it really lowers your confidence.
      Sep 15, 2015
    5. Scorv
      /ignore works well dealing with that kind of stuff ;)
      Sep 15, 2015
    6. Aviators
      She means irl bud.
      Sep 15, 2015
    7. Scorv
      Oh lol. Well ignoring them still helps. But if it really gets bad, seek the advice of an adult with autority. Such as in school, ask a teacher etc.
      Sep 15, 2015
    8. Aviators
      They are useless, never solves bullying for me.
      Sep 15, 2015
    9. Scorv
      AlienatedBanana, what situation are you in right now? Is it at school, at home, etc? I can try to give you tips depending on the situation.

      I have very little experience with being bullied, as I know how to stay away from it. So some tips might help. :)
      Sep 15, 2015
    10. Aviators
      From what she's told me, she's being bullied for no reason, or a reason she doesn't know off. Pm me if you want to know more?
      Sep 15, 2015
    11. AlienatedBanana
      They just pick on me for nothing really. I wish I knew why... thanks for your support. <3
      Sep 15, 2015
    12. Scorv
      AlienatedBanana, lots of people here at Mineverse will support you and help you through your troubles. Althoi7gh be careful, as some don't :/

      Would you like to join the pm about your situatuon?
      Sep 15, 2015
    13. AlienatedBanana
      I don't mind, if you like. I have to go soon though as it's late in my country.
      Sep 15, 2015
    14. Ponyknight99
      I'm here for ya
      Sep 15, 2015
    15. Aviators
      Of course you are. You're here for any female. Thirsty boy.
      Sep 15, 2015
    16. Ponyknight99
      Aviators. Stop. You're pretty much stalking me everywhere saying I'm "thirsty" when really I'm just looking to make friends. So knock it off
      Sep 15, 2015
    17. Aviators
      To make friends with females. No, I won't knock it off. I don't want Alien dealing with your crap, so bugger off. I don't stalk, I get notifications.
      Sep 15, 2015
    18. Ponyknight99
      Oh just because she's a girl I can't make friends with her? Yeah, because that makes sense. Now stop going after me all the time calling me something I'm not
      Sep 15, 2015
    19. Aviators
      Not exactly. 98% of your comments seem to be directed at the females on forums, and I've seen some of your thirsty comments. Leave Alien alone, stop posting on her profile.
      Sep 15, 2015
    20. Ponyknight99
      No. I do not wish to argue anymore, but let me say this one thing. The only reason most of my friends here are females, is because a lot of the boys here, are jerks like you, Faze, and Funmakers. Done arguing, I have better things to do
      Sep 15, 2015
    21. Aviators
      No, it's because you're thirsty, and only like females. Can't handle the truth? Boo hoo. Find a mate in real life, if you are even good enough. Good bye! <3
      Sep 15, 2015
    22. AlienatedBanana
      Guys :/
      Sep 16, 2015
    23. Ponyknight99
      Sep 16, 2015
    24. Aviators
      Of course you'd apologize.
      Sep 16, 2015
    25. AlienatedBanana
      Ok guys, let's drop it. Thank-you for apologising but let this be all please.
      Sep 16, 2015
    26. Ponyknight99
      I will do what I can to avoid further argument here Alien.
      Sep 16, 2015
    27. Aviators
      Of course he'd comment on & to ANYTHING he can.
      Sep 16, 2015
    28. AlienatedBanana
      Avi, please. He's trying to stop the argument and you keep causing it.
      Sep 16, 2015
    29. Aviators
      He can stop by stop replying.
      Sep 16, 2015