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  • Comments on Profile Post by Glaadiator

    1. totallynotjacki
      How am I ban evading? My name is Jacki. My IGN is JackiMC. Im really confused lol.
      Sep 12, 2015
    2. Glaadiator
      you join a few days after anna was banned...and your posts sound vaguely familiar to hers...just a thought.
      Sep 13, 2015
    3. totallynotjacki
      I've been trying to create a forum account for like a year.. I'm not her that's one thing. IP checking is pointless.. We live in the same house..
      Sep 13, 2015
    4. Glaadiator
      There it is!! Living in the same house. Sisters, right? What a coincidence.
      Sep 13, 2015
    5. totallynotjacki
      what is your point?.. I have 7 siblings.. 4 of them play on MV... so when anna screws up iM not allowed to enjoy the server? gee thanks.. I've been playing since July 2014.. i really like it here..
      Sep 13, 2015
    6. Glaadiator
      the point is you joined right after Anna did. I'm suspicious. Don't be too insulted.
      Sep 13, 2015
    7. totallynotjacki
      I joined because the forums were up.......
      Sep 13, 2015