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  • Comments on Profile Post by l0wkey

    1. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Dont trust he says
      Sep 11, 2015
    2. funmakers
      I only told her the truth about you...
      Sep 11, 2015
    3. l0wkey
      Dox, Funmakers has changed.
      Sep 11, 2015
    4. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Sep 11, 2015
    5. funmakers
      I have actually, your anger is blinding you from seeing anything sadly
      Sep 11, 2015
    6. l0wkey
      Sep 11, 2015
    7. Khortex
      yeah, changed (lmao)
      Sep 11, 2015
    8. funmakers
      I did Hells and I would appreciate if you stop attacking me on multiple threads. I have already got you banned once and I hope you have learned a lesson from it.
      Sep 11, 2015
    9. Khortex
      im one of the people who do know. you're only nice on forums after your mod application
      Sep 11, 2015
    10. funmakers
      Actually that is not true at all... even if I do not receive mod I am still going to act this way. I am not like Elrak where I fake it to become staff then immediately go back after being demoted.
      Sep 11, 2015
    11. Khortex
      probably worse, but thats just an opinion
      Sep 11, 2015
    12. funmakers
      Worse than what? I would never be as disrespectful as Elrak past or present. I am going to try my hardest to respect everyone from now on even if they disrespect me. If it was the old me I would say something to you like "go f** yourself f** lol dumb hacker noob" but I will not because I have honestly changed and I don't care if you agree it is a real change or not.
      Sep 11, 2015
    13. Khortex
      still arguing, stopped caring from when you replied
      Sep 11, 2015
    14. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      you kids ready for the real deal?
      Sep 11, 2015
    15. FaZe Dox
    16. Khortex
      Sep 11, 2015
    17. funmakers
      1st gyazo: is not me
      2nd gyazo: of course you did not gyazo the part where I said no to your question lol
      3rd gyazo: not me again
      4th part: again not me lol it sounds like how you talk
      Sep 11, 2015
    18. funmakers
      Only 1 is real(2nd) and I was just saying you can make a lot of alts and I did not make alts to support myself nor will I ever because it is totally pointless. Good attempt at making me look bad next time maybe try a bit harder making fake accounts of me? Thanks
      Sep 11, 2015
    19. FaZe Dox
      Sep 11, 2015
    20. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      they all are you good sir
      Sep 11, 2015
    21. funmakers
      They were not first off and if you have any proof I would like to see it...
      Sep 11, 2015
    22. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      no proof because sadly, my Skype password changed some how
      Sep 11, 2015
    23. funmakers
      Alrighty well until you get some proof I would stick to not making wild accusations as such.
      Sep 11, 2015
    24. Speculations
      Sep 11, 2015
    25. Khortex
      Sep 12, 2015
    26. funmakers
      Nope it is not, there is no need to lie.
      Sep 12, 2015
    27. Khortex
      then stop lying if there is no need
      Sep 12, 2015
    28. funmakers
      I am not lying what are you talking about? This contradicting with no proof is getting you no where.
      Sep 12, 2015
    29. Speculations
      Why was I tagged :(
      Sep 12, 2015