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  • Comments on Profile Post by Discdog1000

    1. funmakers
      Sep 10, 2015
    2. Discdog1000
      Sep 10, 2015
    3. funmakers
      Nothing, just sucks you won't be on. I'll bump your app for you if you want me to while you're gone :P
      Sep 10, 2015
    4. Discdog1000
      That'd be great :)
      Thanks <3
      I'll be on minechat a bit and I'll check in on forums every day or so
      Sep 10, 2015
    5. funmakers
      Alright :P Hope you have fun on your time off. We will miss you all even though it's just a few days but I will definitely bump your app for you :P
      Sep 10, 2015
    6. Discdog1000
      It's not exactly a time off...
      I have to help work and stuff.
      Sep 10, 2015
    7. funmakers
      Oh, alright well I hope you enjoy your time anyways :)
      Sep 10, 2015