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  • Comments on Profile Post by Buntobaga

    1. eco79
      GOD DANG IT! why is everybody faster than me D:
      Dec 12, 2013
    2. iPlayzGamez
      lol same here
      Dec 12, 2013
    3. Lochie 52
      Lochie 52
      Thanks Buntobaga
      Dec 12, 2013
    4. Buntobaga
      Dec 12, 2013
    5. Buntobaga
      Welcome :) I see you play prison and are an A
      Dec 12, 2013
    6. Lochie 52
      Lochie 52
      Haha yeah I do and I just ranked up to Elite Prisoner :)
      Dec 12, 2013
    7. Buntobaga
      Dec 12, 2013
    8. Lochie 52
      Lochie 52
      I support the idea :)
      Dec 12, 2013
    9. Buntobaga
      Support in the thread and help get E! :3 :) :D
      Dec 12, 2013
    10. Lochie 52
      Lochie 52
      Okay!! :)
      Dec 12, 2013