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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mariselle

    1. thorraks
      Sep 9, 2015
    2. Krissy
      i would say around 5+ and also depending on the situation
      Sep 9, 2015
    3. Mariselle
      Ok Thank you Krissy you are very nice.
      Sep 9, 2015
    4. Scorv
      I go with 3 a day. I've been reported for that, and I've reported others for that. They get taken care of.

      But it has to be unworthy dislikes, you can't type 3 hateful posts and report if someones dislikes all of them.
      Sep 9, 2015
    5. Mariselle
      I just got 3 for the same person in no more than 4 mins.
      Sep 9, 2015
    6. Krissy
      I dont usually work on time. I check the situation and make sure the rating are fairly given. 5+ is just unnecessary in general.
      Sep 9, 2015
    7. Mariselle
      Ok thank you.
      Sep 9, 2015