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  • Comments on Profile Post by LaserDolphin77

    1. LaserDolphin77
      And as another note, if you ever want to talk about something troubling, I'm always here and understanding, I care about all of you individually.
      May 26, 2014
    2. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      That's great advice and something for a lot of people to take into heart! *spams like button* :D
      May 26, 2014
    3. LaserDolphin77
      Ah, but there is only one like per person ;D
      May 26, 2014
    4. Teeeb
      Just saw this. <3
      Jul 1, 2014
    5. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      I look at this when I start feeling sorry for myself. ^
      Jul 3, 2014
    6. LaserDolphin77
      I kind of forgot that this was my status, but I'll keep it c:
      Jul 3, 2014
    7. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      Good, it's a great status.
      Jul 3, 2014