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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ninja

    1. Ohmic
      Lucky >.>
      I have to get my copy after school
      May 26, 2014
    2. Puri~
      Same :/ I forgot to preorder it and I am instantly regretting that decision now
      May 26, 2014
    3. Ohmic
      I pre-ordered mine, but I just can't go to midnight releases :/
      May 26, 2014
    4. Puri~
      If you ever get the chance to go to a midnight release, I would say take that opportunity. I find them fun and they usually do small raffles to get some prizes (I went to black ops II midnight release and won a Black ops II lanyard :))
      May 26, 2014
    5. Ninja
      The first midnight release I went to was BO2. The game wasn't good in my opinion, but the experience of the midnight release was amazing.
      May 26, 2014
    6. Puri~
      I don't like treyarch games (people who made world at war, black ops 1 and 2) only their zombies are good and Ive went to 3 midnight releases (black ops black ops 2 and ps4)
      May 26, 2014
    7. Ohmic
      Eh in my opinion, I only liked Black Ops 1 from all of call of duty games made by treyarch
      May 26, 2014
    8. Puri~
      Ive loved most the Infinity ward games <3 MW MW2 MW3 but its an ehh for Ghosts
      May 26, 2014
    9. Ohmic
      MW and MW2 were great, but MW2 would of been better if they fixed some stuff, MW3 was ok, then Ghosts, oh gawd I can't even play it like half the time
      May 26, 2014