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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. sircorgi
      Nice avatar though!! Suits you cause Zelda and the black/gray clothing is the colour of a Ninja= ZeldaNinja!! ^D^
      Sep 6, 2015
    2. ZeldaNinja
      You know, I'm not entirely sure if I can do anything about builds like that, @Ares_Xena or @bananaman11223 do either of you two know?
      Sep 6, 2015
    3. sircorgi
      I don' t think it IS possible..
      Sep 6, 2015
    4. Ares_Xena
      Plot owner?
      Sep 6, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      I'll need to check when I can, it isn't as simple as mine its like MP and some numbers after..
      Sep 6, 2015