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  • Comments on Profile Post by Troy

    1. kirbyo32
      Im prob gonna get it when i get new comp C:
      May 25, 2014
    2. Troy
      wait for the steam summer sale, its really close :)
      May 25, 2014
    3. kirbyo32
      May 25, 2014
    4. Puri~
      Around mid July usually :) I got Gmod though I don't play it that much (I have no idea what to do in that game)
      May 25, 2014
    5. Troy
      lol you should check out some youtube videos on them, pretty fun gamemodes like prop hunt or murder
      May 25, 2014
    6. Puri~
      Prop hunt like... You are disguised as a prop and you have to hide kinda like minecraft prop hunt gamemode?
      May 25, 2014
    7. Troy
      basically yes, but gmod is alot more fun since there are 10 times more things you could hide with
      May 25, 2014
    8. Puri~
      Might start playing now since that gamemode is amazing :D Whats your steam name if you don't mind giving it to me so I can add you and we can play sometime if you want.
      May 25, 2014
    9. Troy
      May 25, 2014
    10. Puri~
      Thanks I added you :)
      May 25, 2014
    11. kirbyo32
      May 25, 2014
    12. djryan
      I'm waiting for the big summer sale to buy anything. Imma buy portal 2 first c: then gmod.
      May 31, 2014