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  • Comments on Profile Post by KingAlex

    1. KingAlex
      :*( Miss lol
      Sep 4, 2015
    2. TheCreeper
      I'll "moss" you too
      Sep 4, 2015
    3. elrak
      thanks, dreams do come true
      Sep 5, 2015
    4. sircorgi
      Elrak think before you say things, they can be hurtful and in my opinion, "Stupid". Oh I think I heard that from somewhere, do you? Don't say stuff like that, your reputation is already ruinied, don't want to ruin it more.
      Sep 6, 2015
    5. elrak
      My reputation is ruined? Why should I think before I say things when this kid doesn't think before he acts. I don't need the 11 year old telling me what to do.
      Sep 6, 2015
    6. sircorgi
      Maybe you do.
      Sep 7, 2015
    7. elrak
      No I don't, it's simple.
      Sep 8, 2015
    8. sircorgi
      I think you do telling from your maturity and manners. I cringe (Yes, I WILL use that word) at your comments just as much, maybe more than when you cringe at mine. You don't seem like a nice guy to me, but I wish to be friends with you one day once I see the other side of you, the GREAT side of you. Please show me that so that we don't have to fight.. (Or whatever you want to call it..) :)
      Sep 9, 2015
    9. elrak
      ugh, annoying.
      Sep 9, 2015
    10. sircorgi
      D: Please? Be nice man, everyone would like to see that side. Its not only for me..
      Sep 9, 2015