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  • Comments on Profile Post by Speculations

    1. Bananurz
      Nah, I am doing my job. This is obviously flame inducing. Next time you will be infracted for heating it. You guys can have a giggle circle about me. I could care less. I have better things to voice my opinions to people who clearly don't get it.
      Sep 4, 2015
    2. Speculations
      I do get it <3 You're butthurt it's fine tho!
      Sep 4, 2015
    3. Speculations
      I won't tell any1 I promise.
      Sep 4, 2015
    4. Bananurz
      Sure, you win. I am "butthurt". Lmao.
      Sep 4, 2015
    5. Bananurz
      Good day. Or night. Or afternoon. :p
      Sep 4, 2015
    6. Speculations
      Banana shh
      Sep 4, 2015
    7. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      chill fam stop the anal for once smh
      kids these days @Speculations
      Sep 4, 2015