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  • Comments on Profile Post by jalyn

    1. Nightfire
      I don't have skype. Use the comment button to not spam me.
      Sep 1, 2015
    2. jalyn
      Mind telling me how to take a screenshot or getting me in a call with another mod?
      Sep 1, 2015
    3. Nightfire
      You can get gyazo which I use.
      Sep 1, 2015
    4. jalyn
      Nightmare how do i take a screenshot on gyazo I got it downloaded i need to know how to take a screenshot?
      Sep 1, 2015
    5. Nightfire
      If you have it dowloaded I have an icon that says gyazo. I click on it and it gives me like a cross and I hold and make it big etc. depending how I want it. Once I'm done of where I'm taking the screenshot I let it go.
      Sep 1, 2015
    6. jalyn
      Can I post the link to it in the chat?
      Sep 1, 2015
    7. jalyn