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  • Comments on Profile Post by Darkorso

    1. Speculations
      I could say the same for me.
      Aug 24, 2015
    2. Darkorso
      You were simply being rude on someones Moderator Application so I disliked it to show you that it was simply not very nice. I did not dislike all of your posts as 'revenge'
      Aug 24, 2015
    3. Speculations
      ;) I was being honest. He's the roood 1 silly.. You're just 2 dummy to realize it.
      Aug 24, 2015
    4. Darkorso
      Calling me a 'Dummy' wont help anything, if you were going to say no support, do not use immature and rude language and spam his post with inappropriate posts. If you must know, I reported him on OP Factions so he is not my best friend either, but i'm just telling you as a future lesson you should not be rude to people, it archives nothing.
      Aug 24, 2015
    5. Speculations
      Considering 10/10 of the things he says over the internet is immature and rude, I think it's fair. It's silly for him to even make an application lol.. And for you to support it is.. EVEN MORE SILLY. ;) I don't need help fyi
      Aug 24, 2015
    6. Darkorso
      The reason I supported him is because before he made his application, even after I reported him he wanted to get to know me better in a private conversation, that takes a lot , so I decided to rethink his personality.
      Aug 24, 2015
    7. Darkorso
      But, enough of this pointless conversation, Good Night/Day for whatever timezone you are in.
      Aug 24, 2015
    8. Speculations
      Well if this conversation is pointless.. DONT POST ON MY PROFILE.
      Aug 24, 2015
    9. Exy
      If you wish for nobody to talk on your profile then lock it.
      Aug 24, 2015
    10. Speculations
      "Well if this conversation is pointless.. DONT POST ON MY PROFILE." can you read?
      Aug 24, 2015
    11. Exy
      You made it completely pointless though...
      Aug 24, 2015
    12. Speculations
      Because I am right ohkie.
      Aug 24, 2015
    13. Exy
      You act so different in-game then forums, you act... Weirder..
      Aug 24, 2015
    14. Speculations
      Ask me if I care
      Aug 24, 2015