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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jackislife

    1. PopIs_MyLife
      lol what no

      If someone goes on the forums every day it doesn't mean they are mod worthy
      Aug 24, 2015
    2. Sound
      I do not want mod as I am not active in game nor will I be my time has ended sadly and everyone I knew is now gone.

      PopsIs_MyLife your comment is rude and unnecessary now go away.
      Aug 24, 2015
    3. Jackislife
      Aug 24, 2015
    4. ferras
      @PopIs_MyLife Is right Theman if you don't like what she said How do you think Corrin would feel after what you said on his mod app?
      Sep 21, 2015
    5. Jackislife
      This was ages ago Xavier
      Sep 23, 2015