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  • Comments on Profile Post by Diamonds180

    1. Scorv
      Its been good. Not much new about me. How have you been keeping?
      Aug 23, 2015
    2. Diamonds180
      Not bad. Joined the skyblock community on crews other server, been chilling there for a while. And just doing things thoughout the summer. It's been great so far.
      Aug 23, 2015
    3. Scorv
      Yeah ive been working for most of the summer. I dont get much time to do other stuff, besides on the weekends.
      Aug 23, 2015
    4. Diamonds180
      That's always a pain when you don't get enough time to do some stuff in the real world. It really sucks.
      Aug 23, 2015
    5. Scorv
      Its alright

      What do you mean by "i can see why too"?
      Aug 23, 2015
    6. Diamonds180
      So you don't have to overfill the thread with loads of the map lists. You can just do the new maps to make it shorter.
      Aug 23, 2015
    7. Scorv
      No it was because many old maps have been removed, and no one wouod be able to make new rofl records. And there were many mire people to rofl years ago, and it was easy to get lots of rofls. Now there are not so many people and it is difficult to get a lot of rofls.
      Aug 23, 2015
    8. Diamonds180
      Ah, yep. I see where you're coming from.
      Anyway, gonna go to sleep. Been a long day and it's 2 in the morning :p see ya later!
      Aug 23, 2015