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  • Comments on Profile Post by onesquad

    1. killervectork10
      Sorry to comment from long ago but what was your name that I knew you from? and tbh when I first started playing mineverse, I did hack and idk how I didnt get banned during the time but after I stopped hacking I still got accused of hacking :P but I actually do have great skill in pvp but I probably lost it now since I haven't played mc in many years.
      Jul 24, 2018
    2. onesquad
      namemc me :)
      Jul 25, 2018
    3. killervectork10
      Oh Daniel, don't remember you too well but you were a Titan rank?
      Jul 25, 2018
    4. killervectork10
      wait was there ever a Titan rank I don't see it in the rank shop anymore
      Jul 25, 2018
    5. onesquad
      no I was top rank all the time I went from supreme to god to titan.
      Jul 26, 2018