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  • Comments on Profile Post by ShonalFromRaxs

    1. Troy
      i saw that part, but both the players are on fire and are loosing health on the same time, which makes it look like kill aura
      May 23, 2014
    2. ShonalFromRaxs
      and... hacks.
      May 23, 2014
    3. Troy
      i even tried pausing the video and saw no aim bot, aimbot is noticable as there is a delay in speed but it still hits the player, but no aim bot in this
      May 23, 2014
    4. ShonalFromRaxs
      :l if i didn't have to wait 5sec to open my fraps i would have had a clear one but i know thats aimbot cause he switched to me then faze fast no one can do it that fast
      May 23, 2014
    5. Troy
      yeah, it looks a bit off, but you should keep in mind even i could do that without hacks, if i increased my mouse sensitivity. plus there could have been a chance of lag. but in the video everything seemed normal. :p
      May 23, 2014
    6. ShonalFromRaxs
      true but in the comments he said "ty... idk wat my mouse sensitivity...." with any mouse the sensitivity is low and by him saying idk wat it is. its probs hes never messed with it
      May 23, 2014