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  • Comments on Profile Post by Krissy

    1. Scorv
      Youre a mod :P
      Aug 20, 2015
    2. Krissy
      Well its been like a blur... when i was not a mod i had like 20 and when i got mod people were like "whos the f is she" I mean im not complaining :P
      Aug 20, 2015
    3. Scorv
      Neither am I. For the short time i was mod, i gained around 24 followers :P
      Aug 20, 2015
    4. Krissy
      :D I hope you didnt lose them. When I was demoted last year on SB i lost so many followers :/
      Aug 20, 2015
    5. Scorv
      I lostt 2 or 3. I know bananaman11223 only follows staff
      Aug 20, 2015
    6. Krissy
      ah. I dont really mind who i follow, as long as they follow me i follow back.
      Aug 20, 2015
    7. Scorv
      :P same
      Aug 20, 2015