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  • Comments on Profile Post by Herf

    1. Bananurz
      Aye, guess what. We did not ban them nor was it our choice. Though, I doubt any of the staff will argue against it.
      Aug 17, 2015
    2. Herf
    3. Bananurz
      Guess what? That is removed. These people weren't banned for nothing. Where did you think they were going to get targeting the staff team day and night? They got what was coming in my opinion. Though, still not my choice.
      Aug 17, 2015
    4. Herf
      Aug 17, 2015
    5. Bananurz
      Make change? Please. They hated a few mods and they wanted them gone, plain and simple. "Change", best thing I heard all day. And probably wise, don't want to mess with Cypriot.
      Aug 17, 2015
    6. Herf
      No I don't. Messing with him is insta perm ban.

      So I'll leave you with telling ares that They did not make a skype chat to get unbanned, but have a nice day <3
      Aug 17, 2015
    7. Bananurz
      You as well.
      Aug 17, 2015
    8. elrak
      'Though, I doubt any of the staff will argue against it.'

      Perhaps because they can't.
      Aug 18, 2015
    9. sircorgi
      People say Mods aren't doing a good job and they should be banned and all that crap, but I doubt they could do a better job. xD
      Aug 18, 2015
    10. elrak
      Heck, I was abusive yet I did a much better job than KingAlex.
      Aug 18, 2015
    11. sircorgi
      Abusive isn't kind. Mod's are meant to be kind.
      Aug 18, 2015
    12. elrak
      What are you talking about? I was kind the whole time I was moderator, I'm talking about commands.
      Aug 18, 2015
    13. sircorgi
      Ohh.. could've been a bit more specific. Well, that is ok :P
      Aug 18, 2015
    14. Bananurz
      Perhaps, it would just be foolish to argue with the boss? Also, mods don't need to be kind as long as they are doing their job. Strict is a good way to put it.
      Aug 18, 2015
    15. sircorgi
      True, but being abusive is kinda the second-last step if someone still won't listen to you. The last step is punishment.
      Aug 18, 2015
    16. jedijosiah
      Daddy was themost hatedstaff because he was strict and lets just say he didnt stay staff long. Strict is good but kindess is also needed. Reborn your comment about criticizng mods should get you banned is idiocy. Modss need critization to better improve themselves. Or else they never change and are still hated
      Aug 20, 2015
    17. sircorgi
      Actually, you are completely wrong. Mods shouldn't be criticized, they should be told what they feel is wrong and should be fixed, and all said in a nice way.
      Aug 20, 2015
    18. elrak
      Aug 20, 2015
    19. sircorgi
      Really? Well people starting riots is Idiotic. They're acting childish and it's not like anyone would listen.
      Aug 20, 2015
    20. sircorgi
      I'm not trying to start a flame war here, I'm simply stating my opinion.
      Aug 20, 2015