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  • Comments on Profile Post by YellowAsianFace

    1. GizzBots
      How's it dumb mr yellow
      Aug 14, 2015
    2. YellowAsianFace
      It's technically not rate abuse if the rates are true to the post. Idk that's what I think
      Aug 14, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      Well 99.89389% of the time they're not exactly true to the post if you're rating that often :p
      Aug 14, 2015
    4. YellowAsianFace
      Well exactly that would be counted as rate abuse. That's why I don't like the rule
      Aug 14, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      3+ Negative ratings in 1 hour is rate abuse.
      It's not nice, it's like targeting someone
      4+ Positive ratings in 1 hour is rate farming
      People do it so they can get trophy points, then they can become active member and will get respect.. something like that.
      Aug 14, 2015
    6. YellowAsianFace
      Ik... But people are entitled to their own opinions and its pixelated rates. Like calm down. And so what if they're targeting you. If you said something that was rude or harsh that's our fault. Rate abuse is deliberately rating people's post on something that they shouldn't get. In as "you're a really nice person" and the person gets a rude rating.
      Aug 14, 2015
    7. sircorgi
      Calm down? Wut. Well, just don't argue with the rules coz they won't get changed. So yeah.
      Aug 14, 2015
    8. djryan
      people here are just rlly butthurt over pixels, so the mods accommodate for them.
      Aug 15, 2015
    9. YellowAsianFace
      Actually rules can get changed. What type of "dont argue" is this?
      Aug 15, 2015
    10. sircorgi
      ok, complain :P
      Aug 15, 2015
    11. Herf
      Story of my life i tried to tell Alexa this but she didnt understand
      Aug 15, 2015
    12. YellowAsianFace
      I talked to Cyp this isn't a rule and staff aren't supposed to make their own rules.
      Aug 15, 2015
    13. sircorgi
      I see..
      Aug 15, 2015