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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jen

    1. ChloyyBear
      Everything changes, it's in nature. I myself have definitely gone through major ones. One being me losing all empathy for other people. Do I care? Not at all, the main thing is that what I do makes me happy.
      Aug 12, 2015
    2. ChloyyBear
      Sure I may look like a cynical a**hole, but when major events happen events happen in ones life you begin to see things in another perspective. That perspective may not be all pretty, but you will finally see how the world really works and how much you don't give a sh*t anymore.
      Aug 12, 2015
    3. Jen
      Well, follow the way you look up to ;)
      Aug 12, 2015
    4. ChloyyBear
      Now that I've seen this the only way I find happiness is in the darkness of this world. Mainly through comedy, dark and twisted comedy, but whatever makes me laugh makes me happy.
      Aug 12, 2015