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  • Comments on Profile Post by michael

    1. djryan
      I think you misspelled that, and Idk what u want the opinion to be on
      Aug 10, 2015
    2. michael
      There saying on skywars that we cant use colors in /g in skywars now. I asked them if cyp knows about this he said "It is a rule Colour codes are bannable" I said did cyp or noob say this, then he said "nop the whole staff team says that" as in only the mods, So there allowed to make rules now?
      Aug 10, 2015
    3. djryan
      do you have proof? I would love to massacre them about this too, I just need a screenshot or something.
      Aug 10, 2015
    4. michael
      I don't have any sreen shots of this but many people will say that this was said on skywars. Here is all the chat tho http://pastebin.com/25Z8AqMT Wardogs and ares said these things.
      Aug 10, 2015
    5. michael
      I Do how ever have screen shots of what ares said
      Aug 10, 2015
    6. djryan
      if he said he made up the rule add it
      Aug 10, 2015
    7. michael
      I'm going to speak to fryz or what ever her name is
      Aug 10, 2015
    8. djryan
      good plan
      Aug 10, 2015