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  • Comments on Profile Post by djryan

    1. Jackislife
      Aug 10, 2015
    2. Bananurz
      I replied. I said we will see what we can do. We were on the way of discussing the opening of your thread. Fry has superiority over me. I can't just unlock the thread. That was the point of the discussion, Ryan.
      Aug 10, 2015
    3. djryan
      You can, you have full power to do so, you just choose not to. Thats alright, I can just pin you all on that and many other charges.
      Aug 10, 2015
    4. Bananurz
      Okay, do as you wish. I can't stop you.
      Aug 10, 2015
    5. Bananurz
      The line of superiority comes before, she must have had reasons to lock the thread. Would have liked to hear them.
      Aug 10, 2015