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  • Comments on Profile Post by BillCipher

    1. Lemonade
      If you think that, then go ahead and report 'em. You can't expect new moderators to be perfect in a few weeks, do you? That would be like throwing Algebra II on an 8-year old. That wouldn't be smart, now would it? There's a reason that they're new and still learning.
      Aug 7, 2015
    2. BillCipher
      true, but some of the mods say "they have experience" and they are"mature" when they aren't
      Aug 7, 2015
    3. Lemonade
      Well, I'm not gonna go ahead and make excuses for them, but people do have different ways they react to things, depending on their mood. Now, key point in moderating is to not moderate when you're angry, as you're not yourself. People that do this are 1) Going to get themselves in trouble, 2) Going to punish others more severely, and 3) Going to make the community around them worse to tolerate.
      Aug 7, 2015
    4. BillCipher
      agree 'd
      Aug 9, 2015