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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. Kyaaaal
      We are hoping for a reset, but nothing is really happening now. I'll tell you if I hear anything.
      Aug 4, 2015
    2. Akn
      We won't get a reset, and even if we did, it wouldn't be in the near future.
      Aug 4, 2015
    3. Kyaaaal
      We can only hope.
      Aug 4, 2015
    4. Akn
      Tbh, I don't really want a reset, because, there will be 0 old pick axes. The best pickaxe will be a Titan/Ultra/Tyrant pickaxe
      Aug 4, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal
      Yeah, I understand that. Possibly could add in the Old Picks, I suppose, for like the first day or something? That way they are rare, just like they should have been.
      Aug 4, 2015
    6. Akn
      Actually, they weren't taken out for a bit except the Old Tyrant, that was removed immediately. I doubt they will let old picks slip through again
      Aug 4, 2015
    7. Kyaaaal
      Yeah, that's fair enough. We'll see what happens, if anything does happen.
      Aug 4, 2015
    8. Akn
      It is fun conversating with someone who knows about something, that you also know something about.
      Aug 4, 2015
    9. Kyaaaal
      No other way to have a half decent conversation.
      Aug 4, 2015
    10. Akn
      Yeah xD
      Aug 4, 2015
    11. lapfuwong

      If they get reset, i'm assuming our echests and pv1 will be too? If so, 6 501 picks and 15 old lycs disappear :D
      Aug 9, 2015
    12. lapfuwong
      Cannot edit above - I have no idea if it even reset, pls msg back
      Aug 9, 2015
    13. Kyaaaal
      If a reset was to happen, it would be a full reset. So, basically put back to when the server was first released.
      Aug 9, 2015