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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sanity

    1. Agent
      uh why?
      Jul 31, 2015
    2. Sanity
      Lets start with you, you were relatively new to Factions. GizzBots was, and probably goody-two-shoe'd up while staff, a prick to people on KitPvP and Scorvix wasn't active, probably still isn't. This server has changed for the worst.
      Aug 2, 2015
    3. elrak
      Agent isn't even active, Scorvix got demoted and Gizz is OK.
      Aug 2, 2015
    4. Sanity
      I left the community, I just saw Scorvix was demoted. Gizz is rude to a lot of people on KitPvP. Agent had been playing 2-3 weeks on Facs before being promoted.
      Aug 2, 2015
    5. Agent
      uh, 2-3 weeks? No. I played on the old factions for a while.
      Aug 2, 2015
    6. Sanity
      Old. OLD Factions.
      Aug 2, 2015
    7. GizzBots
      Viper, you're entitled to your opinion and all, but I don't think you should be judging the staff team in any way. It's not easy aye. I thought it wouldn't be this hard but it is. I've done a lot of stuff for this community which goes unseen, just to have old friends do this?
      Aug 7, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      Ok Viper, I understand you didn't want me getting mod for one reason or another, but I got mod. Please just accept it, I'm trying to help.
      Aug 7, 2015
    9. Sanity
      I get you're trying to help, but you were so rude to players all the time. Just to turn around and be goody-two-shoes.
      Aug 7, 2015
    10. GizzBots
      I wasn't that rude. I wouldn't just randomly get mad at players or anything. I'll admit if everytime I fought someone if they said 'ez' or something I'd get a bit rude but really? I wasn't that bad. I had my times that we all have.
      Aug 7, 2015
    11. GizzBots
      And as for goodie two shoes, no. I'm a mod now, I have a duty to perform.
      Aug 7, 2015
    12. Agent
      Gizz was only ever rude when somebody insulted him, which is very understandable. If you're going to call gizz a "goody-two-shoes" you might as well call every mod one.

      Also, so what if I didn't play the "Old, old factions"? I've been playing long enough to know how to moderate it.
      Aug 7, 2015
    13. Sanity
      The community is very different.
      Aug 8, 2015